Life Guide: Travel to Rediscover the World Out There

For sure, many of you are staying home now amid the coronavirus pandemic. And chances are most, if not all, of you can hardly wait for the time when you can safely go out of your homes and return to your normal lives to arrive. Some of you may be making travel plans so that you can see the world out there again.

Good for you if you’re one of those people planning to travel again after this pandemic ends. It’s a great way to reward yourself and experience the world once more. Take a look at some travel suggestions to help you plan your trip.

Be one with breathtaking nature

After being cooped up in your home for weeks or even months, it’ll be exhilarating to see snowcapped mountains, clear blue seas, lush forests, and everything nature has to offer again, right? So you should travel again to be one with nature. You can, for one, head to a tropical island in Thailand or Indonesia and bask in the sun on their beautiful beaches there. If you’re into exciting outdoor activities, salmon fishing trips in Alaska or whitewater rafting in Colorado would be right up your alley. A trip to Japan or Korea in springtime to see cherry blossoms in full bloom is worth considering as well.

Marvel at the magnificent architecture


When the pandemic has passed, you can travel again to remind yourself how resilient mankind is. And one of the best ways to do this is by marveling at man’s tangible proof of greatness—architecture. For starters, Europe has many ancient but well-preserved architectural wonders. You have the Parthenon in Athens, Greece, the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, and the Stonehenge in Salisbury, England.

Of course, there are many such wonders in other parts of the world as well. The Great of Wall of China and the Great Pyramid of Giza are two of the many structures. For modern architecture, you should see the Burj Khalifa in U.A.E, the Blue Planet in Denmark, or the Absolute World in Canada.

Soak up the awe-inspiring culture

As you probably have limited contact with people now (and most likely in the coming weeks), you’ll surely want to reconnect with people after everything has cleared. Accomplish this by soaking up the culture when traveling to places. For good measure, try to go to an area with a culture that’s completely different from yours.

When you go to Taiwan, eat like the locals and sample their street food in the night markets. In Brazil, mingle with local folks to celebrate the Carnival on the streets of Rio. You should also get around like how most locals do. If you’re in New York, for example, take the subway or the bus and get a feel of the everyday life there.

Discover the World Again

The coronavirus pandemic may have turned people’s lives upside down, but like everything else in this world, this too shall pass. When it does, you should be ready to go out there and discover how beautiful the world and its people are again.

Collin Day

Collin Day is not your ordinary travel writer. He's a boundary-breaker, an intrepid explorer who believes in the power of stepping into the unknown. With an insatiable curiosity and a passion for adventure, Collin fearlessly seeks out remote destinations and uncovers hidden gems. His storytelling is a gateway to exhilarating experiences that ignite the imagination and inspire wanderlust. As a seasoned travel blogger, Collin's expertise extends beyond mere words. He's your go-to source for unconventional travel hacks, off-the-grid destinations, adrenaline-pumping activities, and the art of crafting captivating narratives.
Join Collin on this extraordinary journey, where thrilling adventures unfold at every turn.

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